Raziskovalna oprema

Raziskovalna oprema

Raziskovalno razvojna oprema

Ker v znanstveno raziskovalno delo vključujemo tudi naše študente, ki s tem pridobijo dragocene izkušnje, hkrati pa so dragocena pomoč pri projektih, je visokokakovostna in tehnološko napredna raziskovalna oprema ključnega pomena.

Laboratory press (BAOPIN BP-8170-B)

Device description

Features of BAOPIN BP-8170-B (Figure 1):

  • maximum pressure: 30 tons,
  • Water cooling and electric heating,
  • Heating temperature: up to 300 ° C,
  • Dimension of the  plates: 300 mm x 300 mm,
  • Distance between the  plates: 150 mm.

The press has two parallel press plates (Figure 2), which have the possibility of heating and cooling. The press has the possibility to switch to cooling mode immediately after the end of heating and to cool down the sample while it is still compressed between the pressure plates.

Examples of use

The press enables us to produce quality composite plates.

Industry applications

The press can be used for the production of composite plates and thus check the quality of the composite material produced - we can check the presence of inclusions, non-melted components or the formation of agglomerates of fibers or fillers and their arrangement.

50 kosov vrhunske raziskovalne opreme
1700 potencialnih delodajalcev
4 študenti na učitelja
40 vrhunskih strokovnjakov
  • English